Paris Diary
4 hours ago
"My version of the Bakhtak:
Gives you bad dreams, a constant weight on chest (you are unable to move). They take glee in filling people with bad dreams, suffocating, or causing sleep paralysis. She is a woman that can grow roots from her fingertips that secure into the mattress and tie her to the intended victim. She lives in trees and draws the life force from them with the evil of nightmares, therefore she obtains some of the power of mother nature and uses it against her. She has wisps in her eyes, not pupils. She uses these to hypnotize her victims if they wake up. She is generally beautiful and delicate looking. She has words on her skin from the influence of people's nightmares, which she feeds into trees - killing them. Her rival is mother nature." -- (creature created by: Ashley Webb)
"A more powerful witch who devours soulds through her eyes, which are mouths. She is otherwise blind and sustains her existence on the soulds she captures. The captured remain animated, but soulless. The soulds reside on the stomach of the witch and remain visible there until fully drained." -- (creature created by: Ashley Webb)