Title: MGX - Brotherhood of Steel from Fallout Medium: Photoshop CS6 Scale: Original is 5" x 7"
Notes: Fallout is such an amazing series. I've been really wanting to do a fan art from this universe for quite some time. It was really between a deathclaw and a Brotherhood of Steel. The tech lover in me one out, but that's not to say that I'm not still considering a deathclaw. As of right now I have yet to really grab from the exact same universe, but it's still to early in my painting career to get pigeonholed into something like that. I just have way too much fun painting portraits!
It may seem like I do a lot of them, but with every one I do, I'm trying out new textures and materials. Like for example. this one had lots of worn metal and tubes. Previous ones have dealt with things like polished steel, or glass, etc. I'm always trying to challenge and push myself with every one of them I do...
Title: MGX - Garrus from Mass Effect Medium: Chalk, Charcoal Scale: Original is 8" x 10"
Notes: I have been wanting to do some Mass Effect fan art for so long, I just never got around to it really... But now I think the flood gates have opened up and now I want to do the entire cast line-up. Oh for more time, right?
Title: MGX - Big Daddy from BioShock Medium: Chalk, Charcoal, Pastel Scale: Original is 8" x 10"
Notes: Bioshock was one of those games that really crept up on me. I didn't really know what I was playing at first, but then I really got into it. The fact of a game being so dark and under the sea and creepy and awesome all rolled into one was intriguing. And that is my official review... (not really, but maybe I should start to review games.... hmmm future blog posts perhaps?)
Anyway, I just loved the dynamic that the Big Daddies and Little Sisters had in this game. I mean, there is something to be said about the most powerful creature being protected by this big badass, right?
Alright, this was kind of rambling post, but it's really early yet.
Oh, and...
This is very last minute, but... going to Memphis Gaming Expo on Saturday! If you wanna come out and hang out, feel free!
Title: Sons of Anarchy Commission - Juice Medium: Chalk, Charcoal Scale: Original is 8" x 10"
Notes: Another Sons of Anarchy commission. If you missed the previous one, it's here.
The character of juice was kind of enigmatic in the series, if you're a fan. I would say that he was one of the under-appreciated characters of the whole series, but that's a different type of conversation.
Suffice it to say that I did another piece of Juice Ortiz. He is now sitting with the other four that I did for Memphis Comic Expo a few months ago.
Title: The Mechnomancer Medium: Photoshop CS6 Scale: Original is 5" x 7"
Notes: I think the Borderlands universe has some of the most interesting character design. It blends my punk-loving sensibilities with the grit and grime of post-apocalypse. In that vein, I have to go even further and say that Gaige happens to be my favorite of these characters. I mean, listen to this, she's a badass haha - albeit a little brat, but eeehhh....
Anyway, hopefully you enjoy. As always... more to come!
Title: Artist Promotion Medium: pencil Scale: Varies
Notes: Following suit with the previous post, if you've followed me for any amount of time, you know how often I randomly sketch during lunch breaks. I have to do this to maintain any semblance of sanity. Here's a few of the quick sketches that I did during my lunch breaks over the week.
Notes: Now for something a little different... Typically I scan, retouch, etc. But I've been working on larger scale pieces lately, and this one was just too fun!
Ashley commissioned me to do a portrait of the Joker. No big deal right? Then she was looking at it when I got done, and she was like... "This frame just looks TOO basic. Let's fix that..."
Short car ride later, we come home with a frame, paints, sandpaper, and matte-paper. She then proceeds to grab the frame, analyze it and grab that sandpaper and scuff and scrape on the frame itself, giving it tooth and texture. Then she splatters paint all over it. It ends up looking really decorative and awesome. Then she grabs the paintbrush and writes all over the final piece.
I matte and frame it for her and we call it a day!
I'm wondering if she'd glitz up other frames.....
It's now sitting on my wall of what is slowly looking like it will become the DC Villains wall.
(In case you're wondering, the pieces - from clockwise, starting at top left -
Title: Dr. Staten Medium: pencil, pastel Scale: Original is 8" x 10"
Notes: Ashley went out the other day and I was just sitting here drawing the day away. I look over at my art supplies and simply shrug and go, "Welp, guess it's time to stop procrastinatering and start using these damn pastels..." Long story short, I decided to start doing a study in random colors just for fun. I'm drawing away, la-de-da, and in walks Ashley.
She looks down at my piece that I'm working on and says, "Who is that? (eyes get bigger) That looks like Dr. Manhattan." I look down, not even fully realizing what I'd been working on, as I was just experimenting.
"I didn't quite realize that he looked like that, but not that you mention it... he does kinda look like Dr. Manhattan doesn't he?" I respond.
"Nah..." she begins to walk out of the room, "that's obviously his brother, Dr. Staten Island." She responds, dripping with New York accent.
My eyes get big and I literally cannot stop laughing.
Title: Rocket Raccoon
Medium: charcoal, chalk, ebony pencil
Scale: Original is 8" x 10"
Notes: It's a bit on the late side, but while I was down in Texas, visiting the awesome Jeff and Maysa, I looked through their Marvel encyclopedia and was like... "I should probably draw one of these guys!" And so I proceeded to grab my charcoal and chalk and just go to town.
I still have to say that this my favorite media: chalk / charcoal. I'm slowly working in pastel, but more on this later...
Notes: Talking to a buddy of mine at work, we decided that he needed a little more art on his walls. Eric Crimmins is quite the convention goer and I thought it would be awesome to try out an official art trade with him. So here's the result, now it's time to hand it over so that we can get this show on the road!