Comic Studies
Title: Comic Studies
Medium: Brush & Ink
Medium: Brush & Ink
Scale: 9" x 12"
Notes: These were some quick studies I did for my comic pages. They were all really fast and done with brush and ink.
Pencil Character Studies
Title: Pencil Character Studies
Date: November 19 - 21, 2013
Medium: Pencil
Date: November 19 - 21, 2013
Medium: Pencil
Scale: Varies
Notes: Just making sure that I keep my pencil work up because I've been doing so much digital work this semester! This is always my favorite thing to use material-wise...
Title: Schnouzies
Date: November 22, 2013
Medium: Photoshop CS3, Pencil
Date: November 22, 2013
Medium: Photoshop CS3, Pencil
Notes: Saw another of Marc Brunet's tutorials and decided to have a go at it. It makes drawing noses soooo much simpler!